10 Priorities

  1. Create solidarity, connection, conversation, and friendship between Black students and alumni within independent schools.

2. Help to spread awareness and information on the issues facing the Black community and how to be an ally in helping to address these problems.

3. Create a platform for Black students and alumni to unionize and combat discrimination in our institutions.

4. Work with our partner school communities and alumni network to create scholarships and other funding opportunities for promising students and initiatives.

5. Create a platform for Black creatives and artists to showcase their experience and work.

6. Work with similar organizations as BLISS to create a strong national network.

7. Encourage partner schools to push for change and become more inclusive spaces that allow all students to be their authentic selves.

8. Work with schools of lower education levels(middle/elementary) and create programs, workshops, and events that help to encourage younger students to pursue higher education and careers.

9. Hold a conference at a partner school with workshops, speakers, trainings, etc. at least once a year.

10. Provide a network of alumni and professionals that will help to educate and empower students.